Monday, June 22, 2009

some upcoming events

looks like life might be picking up its pace starting this weekend. i'm so excited! this saturday, a bunch of the geography crew will be at diana's to have a pool party/bbq/get together. i haven't seen any of them in awhile so it's going to be fun to catch up with friends and just relax. then sheena, bubba, and i are gonna head off to Arizona on Monday. We're probably going to check out the Tucson area and feel a vibe of the place, see if there are jobs out there, and to see if we can actually handle the heat. i for one prefer a mild climate, so it could be a hard adjustment. anyways, i'm excited because i'm going to take my car on her first road trip. zoom zoom zoom! i think i'm getting my car back from the shop this week and i can't wait to drive it again. i just miss driving on my own because it can actually be a stress reliever for me. i'll post some pics of the party and the road trip when i can. 

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