then andrew and gladie left because their kids had to go to bed so totran, tina, and i went to tofu house to eat because we were starving! it was my first time at this restaurant and also my first time eating korean food. it was so good! they brought out like all these side dishes--kimchee, spicy cucumbers, pickled something?, and some fish dish. totran and i ordered rice with bbq and tina ordered a tofu soup with mushroom. it was cool that the food was served on this black stone bowl! it was sizzling hot and i guess that's to help cook the raw egg that it is served with. damn i want another bowl of that stuff. i mean i got really full but i wouldn't mind having it again this week. then courtney came fashionably late as usual and she had the same thing i did and it looked like she liked it too. we just chit chatted for awhile until we all got tired and left. i had such a nice day today minus the cramps. i wish i could have more days like this one.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
hanging with my geogs
after having a bad day yesterday, today was such the opposite. i was just at home the entire afternoon pretty much suffering from cramps but it went away after awhile. then i got ready to hang out with some geography friends because we haven't seen each other in a couple of months. we met up at yogurt world and i literally drove into that damn parking lot twice hoping i would find a parking space but of course with my luck, it didn't happen. haha so i parked outside on a really dark street. it wasn't far from yogurt world but i wouldn't recommend a young lady walking out there by herself during night time. *in case i ever get into a dangerous situation, i should learn some sweet karate moves.* so i got there safely and totran, tina, gladie&kids, and andrew&kids were already there. we just had some frozen yogurt and talked about life. i miss seeing my geography friends on a daily basis, but we certainly try to hang out whenever possible. i love them! and to think that if i never majored in geography that i wouldn't have these people in my life!!! we ended up talking a lot about job situations and how a majority of us didn't have jobs. poor tina....she was saying how she hates having too much time on her hands since she doesn't have school or a job at the moment. i totally feel for the girl because that's exactly how i felt!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
pretty bad day

I had jury duty today and it was horrible. It started at 8 a.m. so I got up at 6 this morning to get ready. My name got called before 11 a.m. and was told to go to lunch and to come back at 1:30. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I just ate at Pick Up Stix near the courthouse and then decided to drive to Target that was like 5 minutes away to pass up time. And of course by the time I left Target it was only like 11:30. geez! I hate when the time is going so slow! So I just drove back to the courthouse and stayed in my car to listen to music. Then it was just a bunch of waiting until we were told that we were dismissed and that was around 2 p.m. So glad that's over because I was feeling crappy already due to my PMS. Bloating, cramps, and irritability! That's what I have to look forward to each month. And I tend to suffer badly from PMS. Like right now I feel like shit. I am sitting here with a hot water bottle on my tummy to combat my menstrual cramps. Gahhhh it hurts so bad. It hurts so bad that sometimes I want to throw up. This is definitely T.M.I. (too much information) but you love me so you love this entry.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Back to good ol' socializing
I went to Jimmy's house for his BBQ last night. It was really fun because there were such good people that attended. I was like the 3rd person there so it was really chill and I got to meet some people that are going to Honduras this Spring Break for the Global Water Brigades. I wish I could go but I'm broke. I hope that one day I will be able to go though. Anyway Jimmy had bought a lot of food from Trader Joe's to cook and it was amazing. We had pepperoni pizza, vegetarian pizza, fried eggplant, chicken and veggie tacos, a grip load of two buck chuck and beer. I wasn't even going to drink that much but the host decided to fill my "glass" like 3/4 full of wine so I drank and enjoyed it. I decided to refill about twice because it was pretty damn good. I had a good buzz going for awhile. Anyway more people came and most of them ended up being international students so that was pretty cool. There were two girls that are from Brazil studying at state and then another girl that is from Japan. It was so cool to hear about their lives and stories from back home. I'm glad I didn't flake out and decided to go last night because I really needed a social event in my life. It has been quite awhile since I've hung out with a large group of people. And this was just a calm-get to know each other party rather than a let's get drunk and not remember anything party so that's always good in my book.
Oh yeah, we were all talking about adding each other on Facebook and it actually happened. I was even surprised that one of the girls I met named Tesia actually graduated my year at the same school. It's a small freakin world! That's pretty awesome though. I'll leave you guys with some pictures.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Recent Haul
These are some items I received this month. The NYX lipsticks are from Cherry Culture and the 3 eyeshadows are the ones I won from an Everyday Minerals color challenge.
- Nyx lipstick from L-R (Thalia, Doll, Hebe, Milan)&EDM e/s in 10 Items or Less, Autumn Afternoon, and In the Garden
I really love these lipsticks. They are creamy and apply smoothly on my lips. I really love Thalia and Milan. Doll&Hebe are gorgeous reds, but I still have to get used to having such vibrant colors on my lips.
I love the eyeshadow colors I received from Everyday Minerals. I really needed a blue e/s in my makeup collection and it's such a beautiful color. The other e/s are brown and they are beautiful as well. They will be perfect for my neutral days.
Applied 10 items or less all over lid
Applied MAC's Nehru e/s on the outer crease
Applied MAC's Electric Eel on the inner lid
Then I blended like crazy
And this last portion is going to be so off topic but I don't care. I just want to say how happy I am to be done with school. haha. I hear people complain about reading, studying, and taking tests and I'm like phewww I'm dunzo. I just feel bad for people losing sleep and being super stressed out. But all that hard work really pays off in the end so don't give up folks.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fiesta Island
So Jimmy and I decided to go to Fiesta Island to walk his dog Casey. I haven't seen him in awhile, the last time was probably over the summer to go to a Padres game. We just caught up on each other's lives....not too much has changed except a couple little things. Anyways it was super cold at Fiesta Island! My fingers felt like ice but it was worth it. It was nice being outdoors and watching Casey and the other dogs socializing with each other and chasing birds. She's one crazy dog!
After that I went home and then had to pick up Sheena from Bubba's apartment. We had been craving some sort of chocolate pie and we knew that Marie Callender's was having a sale on their pies so we decided to pick one up. Then my mother calls saying she wants us to buy her some cough drops so we went to Rite Aid. We decided to get some In N Out while we were in the area because I was really hungry.
Finally got home and ate my dinner and got to watching some things I had recorded on my DVR. I just finished watching tonight's episode of LOST and it was pretty good. The beginning of this season was kind of a whirl wind just because there was just so much going on, but now it's all starting to fit in. I can't wait to learn more about that damn island! Like what the heck is that monster? I need answers people!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
To Buy List
I need to make a list of the things that I want to buy in the future. I see things that I want and then somehow forget about them so I figure this is a good way to remember.
- MAC eyeshadow in Shale
- Stippling brush- EDM or Silk Naturals
- Too Faced Shadow Insurance
- NP Set Eyeliner or Styli Style Eyeliner
- Navigation system
- Black work shoes
- Hello Kitty Vinyl Decal
- Hello Kitty Floor Mat Set
- Spa Nourish Shampoo&Conditioner from Trader Joe's
- Clarisonic Skincare Brush
Sunday, February 8, 2009
cousin night
i had fun last night at my cousin's house. it was his 38th birthday as well as his cousin chris's and the party was super spontaneous. all the cousins came over to celebrate. we had like 2 huge NY style pizzas, ceviche, guacamole, chips, and lots of booze. claudia ended up making some sort of concoction with this t.g.i. friday mudslide mix, starbuck's coffe liquer, kahlua, and vanilla soymilk. it was yum-o (as rachael ray would say)! we called it the milky way, but claudia really insisted on the dirty claudia or something like that. but it was really fun to hang out with the cousins, most of our parentals were at home so we let loose. i didn't really drink that much because i was driving and it was raining cats and dogs last night. i just had a good time talking to everyone and laughing. chris was hilarious last night. it wasn't necessarily his exact birthday but we were really trying to get him to drink. he happens to mention that his limit is when he turns red. He had about 2 drinks and we could hear him getting louder and turning really red. Of course we don't say anything because we want him to keep drinking. We were doing good until his mom tells him he looks drunk and really red. HAHA, then he looked straight at me and my sister with the "aha" face.
chris really wanted that middle piece haha
claudia under the pool table
I just finished watching the Grammy's and I'm surprised I liked it this year. Award shows have not been entertaining to watch for a few years now but tonight's show was great. I liked that there were so many performances! I really liked the performances by:
- Chris Martin/ Jay Z followed by Coldplay
- M.I.A. with T.I., Jay Z, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West
- Sugarland and Adele
- Al Green, JT, Boyz II Men, Keith Urban
And I was sooooo looking forward to see Rihanna perform and see what she was going to wear because she has such great style. But, unfortunately she was hospitalized due to a bruised face!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Urban Decay Primer Potion

Don't be fooled though. The product's packaging is beautiful, but you may be throwing away money if you think the bottle is empty. The con about this product is that the shape of the bottle is not straight, there are curves to it. The wand applicator is not smart enough to get into those curves. This means that you are only getting 1/3 of the product. The other 2/3? Well let's say you can't retrieve it unless you open the sucker up. There are plenty of blogs and youtube videos that demonstrate how to do this. But since you're here, I'll let you in on how I did it. I've had this bottle for a really long time now, but I thought that I had run out. Good thing I googled it and read on forums that there is a way to get the rest of the product out. Here are the pics.
What you want to do 1st is get a serrated knife and cut it at the widest part of the bottle.
Look at all that product!

Then all you have to do is scrape everything out with something small. I used a little spoonula.
The last thing you want to do is place the product you just scooped out, into a container. I just used my empty everyday minerals sample jars and placed them into a ziploc so it wouldn't dry out.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Working out is hard work
just got home from bubba's gym and i'm so tired! i haven't worked out hard like that in like one and a half years. i'm tired but i like the feeling afterwards, it's so rewarding. i think we were in the gym for like a good 40 minutes. i just used the elliptical machine, the bicycle, and then lifted some weights. anyways, hopefully i'll be able to work out a few times a week since i have a free gym to go to.
I'm waiting for a few things to come in the mail this week. First is a package from Cherry Culture containing 4 NYX lipsticks. The second package contains some eye brushes and oil blotters from E.L.F. And last but not least is my prize for entering this Everyday Minerals contest. The cool thing is that everyone that submitted a look on the website gets 3 sample size eye shadows of their choice. My obsession for makeup is getting scary! I need to watch the amount of things I buy when I finally get those paychecks! I'll probably post pics when I get my items. Bye!
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