Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Just got back from UTC and Best Buy. Didn't get anything at the mall since I'm broke but I did get 2 things at Best Buy because I still had money left over from my gift card. My sis and I were pretty good about working out like a month ago, but fell off the bandwagon which is pretty normal for me. Actually, I blame the weather because it was getting pretty cold and we had some rain so that left me like not working out for week...which of course has led me to be not active again. But honestly, I can't blame anyone or anything but myself. I just need to workout because it's good for me and it wouldn't hurt to lose some poundage. ay! So I got this Fitness DVD and it's called The 500 calorie workout by The Firm. I put it into my DVD player to see how intense it was and it actually looks like I can keep up but the lady in the video seems to go pretty fast so I'll let you know if I end up hurting myself hahaha. I also got a CD by The Killers and am listening to it at the moment. I'm on track 4 out of 10 and it's really good so far. 

I went onto my Facebook and saw that I had 1 friend request from a friend from high school and got really excited. Do you ever get that feeling? I haven't seen him since high school so he was like the last person I thought would find me on Facebook. 

One last thing, I need an effin' job. I feel pretty disappointed in myself just because I did so great in school and thought it was going to be easy to get a job but honestly, this recession has put me in the dumps. I can't seem to find many openings for the types of jobs I want to be in. I just wish I could scream my loudest in front of these hiring managers and beg them to hire me. I KNOW I'm a really hard worker, but I don't think THEY realize it yet. Hopefully there will be more jobs available in the upcoming months so I can finally reach my goal. Patience Sharyn!!!

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